Dear Comrades, January 8, 2023 marks the beginning of the birth centenary of Com. Geeta Mukerjee, an outstanding communist leader and an able Parliamentarian. She was fondly called as Geetadi all over the country. Com. Geetadi was born on January 8, 1924 in Kolkata (Calcutta). She was married to Com. Biswanath Mukherjee on November 8, 1942 who was a legendary communist leader and secretary of the West Bengal state unit of the Party. Com. Geetadi was student activist and leader of All India Students Federation, while studying in Ashutosh College, Calcutta. She joined the Communist Party of India at the age of 15. She was elected to the state council of the Party in 1946. She rose to be a member of the national secretariat, national executive and national council of the Party. Com. Geeta di was imprisoned several times during the freedom struggle and also during the post-independence period. Com. Geetadi was a great fighter for the empowerment of women. She was the president of National Federation of Indian Women (NFIW). She became the symbol of fight for one third reservation for women in all legislative bodies including the Parliament. Com. Geetadi was elected to the West Bengal Assembly in 1967 and 1977. Later she was elected seven times from Panskura Constituency from 1980 to 2000. She was an able Parliamentarian who used the Parliament as an effective forum to articulate the cause of the working people and empowerment of women. Com. Geetadi died on March 4, 2000. Entire country mourned her death. She was an ideal communist who fought with dedication and determination for the liberation of the country not only from the colonial rule but from all forms of exploitation and enslavements in the post- independent period. She was and is a pride of the Indian communist movement and CPI. Let our party units begin to celebrate her birth centenary.